Copiando e colando blocos de texto no Word.
Spike is a Clipboard feature available in Word that lets you
copy multiple selections of content to the Clipboard and then paste
them as a group to a new location. It’s easy to use and allows for a bit
more flexibility when the need arises. You can use it in most any
document, and it works with text and graphics, as follows:
We’ll use the document below to illustrate how easy this feature is to use:
This feature copied both the heading and the paragraph of text to a
new document with one pasting task. Imagine how much time you could save
if you needed to copy many components!
This technique can have a downside, however, depending on how you
look at it. When you copy text or graphics using Spike, you cut, not
copy, the content from the source document. That might not be what you
want. Fortunately, after pressing [Ctrl]+[F3] to copy text, you can
press [Ctrl]+Z to undo the cut, without removing the content from Spike.
Pasting clears Spike, but you can paste its contents without clearing it, by doing the following:
Or, paste Spike content using the AutoText feature, as follows in Word 2010:
In Word 2003, do the following:
Both paste techniques will paste Spike’s contents without clearing it!
Fonte: Susan Harkins - TechRepublic /
Blogs / Microsoft Office